Read: 10 Turkeys in the Road by Brenda Reeves Sturgis and Gobble Gobble Crash! by Julie Stiegemeyer
Craft: Clothespin Turkey inspired by No Time for Flashcards
- Need: Clothespins, paper plates (ideally Chinet), brown, red, orange, yellow and green paint, brown and orange construction paper, sticker-eyes, glue sticks and foam paint brushes.
- Prior to storytime, paint one side of the clothespins red, orange, yellow and green (four of each color per child). Also cut out head and beaks.
- Lay paper plate at each craft seat. (use a heavy-duty paper plate like Chinet -- I didn't and had to layer a few of the cheapo plates together).
- Have kiddos glue head and beak onto the back of the plate and adhere the sticker-eye.
- Then instruct them to paint the plate brown.
- After they completed painting their plate, I sent them to wash their hands (what a mess!!) and I wiped down the table.
- When all our little fingers were clean, I had them clip their turkey-feather clips onto the plate.

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