Saturday, January 1, 2011

January Recharge

I have decided I need a bit of a creative recharge. We usually have Burnham Bunch Storytime from September right on through to May, then a few weeks without programming. Then BAM, eight weeks of Summer Reading, then two weeks without programming. Then BAM it is September again!!!! I can barely catch my breath. Phew!

Sooooooo, this January we are doing something new and unheard of in this neck of the woods.....relax, recharge, and get my creative groove back. Instead of storytime, we will be hosting Beat the Winter Blahs at Burnham. All our storytimers and their parents are encouraged to keep to their routine and visit the library during the time they would normally attend Burnham Bunch .... BUT, it will be an unofficial playgroup and adult meet 'n greet. We provide the space and they can get out of the house and meet-up with their friends. And hopefully, we will have some new faces as well.

We will see how it goes? I will let you know. Now, onto planning for February, March, April and May .......