Thursday, August 2, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Super Heros

Here we come to save the day .......

Read: Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer.

Song: I'm a Superhero! I can... By Richard Graham

As we sang the song, we mimed the different actions ...

I'm  a superhero! (Superhero!)
I'm a superhero! (Superhero!)
Super, superhero!

I can jump (I can jump)
I can run (I can run)
I can hid (I can hide)
I can cook (I can cook)

I'm a superhero! (Superhero!)
I'm a superhero! (Superhero!)
Super, superhero!

I can stretch (I can stretch)
I can climb (I can climb)
I can swim ( I can swim)
I can fly (I can fly)

I'm a superhero! (Superhero!)
I'm a superhero! (Superhero!)
Super, superhero!

Craft: Super Hero wrist bands
Need: Paper towels and/or toilet paper tubes, stickers, markers, crayons
  • Prior to storytime, we cut the toilet paper tubes open.
  • I laid out markers, crayons and stickers.
  • The kiddos drew, colored and stickered their wrist bands.
  • The end!
I also found this sheet My Superhero Identity on Pinterest. Thought it would be fun to do with the kiddos. I didn't have a lot of time, so I gave them out at the end for parents to take home.