Christmas Part 1
The Mitten by Jan Brett and
Llama Llama Holiday Drama by Anna Dewdney
Story extender: As story is read, prompt children to add their animal to the "mitten"
Craft: Macaroni Ornaments
I love this easy craft. Each year, I try to change it up a bit....This year I am using popsicle sticks!! (Oh, I know....I am such a craft genius)
- Need: Assorted macaroni of your choice, white glue, popsicle sticks and silver spray paint.
- At each craft seat, place a paper plate with child's name and three pop-sticks.
- Place assorted macs in the middle of the table for children to share.
- Instruct children to glue together pop-sticks in a snowflake shape.
- Rule for this craft: The MORE glue the better!!!
- When sticks are glued, ask children to choose five macs to decorate their snowflake. Then instruct them to glue macs to pop-sticks.
- When all children have completed their project. Explain that this is just the first step to their completed project and that you are going to help them finish.
- Spray each ornament with silver paint. Hot glue a string to the back.
The moms loved this craft....I can't wait to see the finished painted projected! And the children love that you couldn't use enough glue! They don't hear that very often ....
Step One: Make a snowflake shape |
Step Two: Glue it to death with macaroni |
The finished product |