Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Burham Bunch: Spring Flowers

I think we need a bit of Spring!!

Well, woke up this morning to SNOW!!!??! But, too late to change the theme for today.... so, we went with Spring. Actually, it was a good discussion started!

Read: My Garden by Kevin Henkes and Wake Up, It's Spring by Lisa Campbell Ernst

Craft: Paper Flower
  • Need: Scrapbooking paper in various spring-like patterns, green craft paper, glue sticks and one circle-inital per child.
  • Prior to storytime, using scrapbooking paper cut 2 larger flower shapes. Using Microsoft Publisher, I  made a text box-circle using the first letter initial of each of my kiddos. Cut this out as well.
  • When it is time for the children to head to the craft table, ask each child to find the seat that has their initial.
  • Instruct the children to glue together their flower in any pattern, design, etc. that they wanted. 
Here are the finished products:

Had to throw this one in. They were actually sitting and discussing the various trucks! So, cute.


  1. L.O.V.E the new look! Cool project too. I could use one of those to hang on my wall!!!

  2. You could!! Your office would look beautiful.
