Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Bugs


Read: I Love Bugs by Philemon Sturges and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Flannelboard: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
Using clip-art and Microsoft Publisher, I printed and laminated story elements: apples, pears, cake etc.  Because it is hard to turn the pages itty-bitty pages when The Hungry Caterpillar starts eating, I placed all the food on the flannel board. I prompted the children while "reading" : On Monday he ate through one apple. But he was still hungry.

Craft: A Caterpillar, of course
  • Need: Paper, green and red paint, circle sponge stampers, black crayons and paper plates.
  • Explain that we are going to create a caterpillar. Show them the technique of stamping. Show them that the circles should touch one and other.
  • On the craft table, I placed paper plates with green paint. Have the kiddos stamp circles to create a long or short or fat caterpillar.
  • Then place a small amount of red paint on the plate and have them stamp a head.
  • Hand out black crayons and instruct them to draw legs and antennea. Ask them to write what food they would LOVE to eat if they were a very very hungry caterpillar. (if they need help, have mom/caregiver write it for them - but most of my kiddos want to practice their letters. Remember it is the process not the product.)

A nice FAT caterpillar

This reads "apples"

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