Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Burnham Bunch: Apples


Read: Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins and The Apple Tree by Lynley Dodd

Story board/extender: Felt tree and apples numbered 1-10. Using Ten Red Apples by Dodd, count down from 10 to zero with the farmer.

Craft: Apple Printing
  • Need: Apples cut in half, poster paint (green, red, yellow) and craft paper, foam paint brush (less messy if children paint apples rather than dipping apples in paint). Brown and green markers.
  • Have children paint apple (use one color per apple, unless you want brown apples!)
  • Instruct them how to stamp apple onto paper.
  • Wipe apple with paper towel and have them paint it another color. Stamp again. Wipe, paint and stamp again.
  • While children are enjoying free play (i.e. all ten children fighting over the train table), draw on a brown stems and green leaves. Easy-Peasy.


  1. Yes, you may! The mom's LOVED this idea. Most of the children have older siblings that are in school. I told them that this was their "homework" and to have fun!
