Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Read Abouts: February

Library Lovers' Month

Library Lovers' Month is a month-long celebration of school, public, and private libraries of all types. So, during the month of February, we celebrate by reading our favorite children's books during class and storytime. We also discuss the importance of our library to our little community.

My Library
by Varda One

It's only a room with shelves and books,
but it's far more magical than it looks:

It's a jet on which I soar
to lands that exist no more.

Or a key with which I find
answers to questions crowding my mind.

Building my habit of learning and growing,
asking and researching till I reach knowing.

Here, I've been a mermaid and an elf
I've even learned to be more myself.

I think I shall never see
a place that has been more useful to me.

With encouraging kind friends with wit
who tell me to dream big and never quit.

It's only a room with shelves and books,
but it's far more magical than it looks.
Read: The Library by Sarah Small and Wild About Books by Judy Sierra.

I thought we would make these fantastic felt heart patches that I found on a blog called FilthWizard. Check it out....she has some really AMAZING ideas! You know, the stuff that makes you say "why hadn't I thought of that!" She may have become my new "fav"?

This one is mine!

Pretty Hearts


Burnham Bunch : Hats and Caps

Let me take my hat off to you....

Read: Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina

Storyboard: Caps for Sale felt board... Using story as prompt, add different elements to the felt board as the story progresses.

Craft: Make a Hat, of course!!
  • Need: newspaper, bits and bops (tissue paper shapes, feathers, stickers, etc) and glue sticks.
  • Prior to storytime have your wonderful co-worker fold a bazillion newspaper hats. Directions can be found at here at TLC Family.
  • Have children decorate hats with different accessories.
  • And........that is pretty much it!

    Caps! Caps, for sale! Fifty cents a cap!
Birthday Girls! Mom brought in some cupcakes for us all to share!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Birds


Read: Birds by Kevin Henkes and Wild Birds by Joanne Ryder

Craft: Feather painting
  • Need: Feathers, craft paint and craft paper.
  • Instruct the children to paint using the feathers as paint brushes.
  • Have them leave paintings behind to dry.
  • When paintings are dry, I will glue strips of paper to "frame" the painting.
We did this project last year and the children LOVED it. Seems like the simplest projects always end out the best.  I really enjoy doing open-ended "art" projects rather than crafts. This way their imaginations can just take over. Plus not a ton of preplanning that needs to take place -- bit of paint and THE END!!

Feather painting

Lots of concentration

One of the masterpieces

Finger painting or feather painting? Hmmm???

Wants to finger paint like his brother!

Few more finished paintings ...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Valentine's Day Heart Collage

(Almost) Valentine's Day

Read: If You'll Be My Valentine by Cynthia Rylant and Guess Who? by Lola Schaefer

Craft: Valentine's Collage
  • Need: Sticky paper, hearts-a-plenty (can use heart cellophane bags and other scrap pieces -- oh and glitter). Scrapbook paper frame. (Bought everything at the $1 bins at Target!!! love it)
  • Prior to storytime, cut-out strips of scrapbook to construct a frame. Set up each seat with sticky paper and frame.
  • Again explained the concept of collage ....
  • In the middle of each table place various bits and bops and have the children "have at it"
  • I offered each child some red glitter as well -- applied by me for less mess! 
  • I improvised in the end, because the children did not cover the entire sticky surface. So, I applied a piece of copy paper to the back of each picture and instructed the children to write their names on the back of their picture.

Our completed project inspired by Laugh, Paint, Create



Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Groundhog Day canceled!!

UGH! Winter please go away!

Well, we are experiencing another winter storm week. The Library was closed yesterday, today and probably a delay tomorrow. I will use what I planned this year for next year. But, our theme was to be Groundhog Day. Looks as if Mr. Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow today (don't know how he could since we are having ice storms and the sun has not shown for days!!) So, Spring shall soon be here....... but not soon enough!