Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Read Abouts: February

Library Lovers' Month

Library Lovers' Month is a month-long celebration of school, public, and private libraries of all types. So, during the month of February, we celebrate by reading our favorite children's books during class and storytime. We also discuss the importance of our library to our little community.

My Library
by Varda One

It's only a room with shelves and books,
but it's far more magical than it looks:

It's a jet on which I soar
to lands that exist no more.

Or a key with which I find
answers to questions crowding my mind.

Building my habit of learning and growing,
asking and researching till I reach knowing.

Here, I've been a mermaid and an elf
I've even learned to be more myself.

I think I shall never see
a place that has been more useful to me.

With encouraging kind friends with wit
who tell me to dream big and never quit.

It's only a room with shelves and books,
but it's far more magical than it looks.
Read: The Library by Sarah Small and Wild About Books by Judy Sierra.

I thought we would make these fantastic felt heart patches that I found on a blog called FilthWizard. Check it out....she has some really AMAZING ideas! You know, the stuff that makes you say "why hadn't I thought of that!" She may have become my new "fav"?

This one is mine!

Pretty Hearts


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