Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Let it snow?

Let it snow?

Now that it is time that we would expect some snow, we haven't had a flake! (well we had a "dusting" but that doesn't count!) It is SUPER cold so we are going to go ahead and make some snowmen!!

Read: Snow Happy! by Patricia Hubbell and The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming

Flannel Board: Using The First Day of Winter as the book progresses children will place items during prompts.

Craft: Snowmen inspired by Evenings & Weekends
  • Need: Cotton rounds (cosmetic wipes), glue, bits and bops to decorate the snowman, and craft paper.
  • I am not even going to give directions, because a picture says a thousand words:

Love the jaunty belt and hat!