Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Burnham Bunch: Chicks and Rabbits

It's Rabbit Season (No! It's Chick Season!)

Read: Five Little Chicks by Nancy Tafuri and 10 Hungry Rabbits by Anita Lobel

Flannel board: 10 Hungry Rabbits - I used clip art for pictures of the food: cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, blueberries, peas and pepper. I also found a picture of a basket. As I read the story, I asked the children to put their food "into" the basket.

Craft: Crayon-resist Easter Egg

Need: White craft paper, white crayon, watercolor paint and paint brushes

  • Prior to storytime, I cut out an egg shape out of the white craft paper. I then made random designs on each paper with a white crayon.
  • At storytime, we placed a tray with an egg at each craft seat as well as a handy paint palate-tray. 
  • We explained that the easter bunny created a secret on each of their eggs .... and the paint will reveal the message.
  • So pretty!


  1. I gave my Momma mine to hang on the fridge :)

  2. HAHAHA! You are too funny. I bet she hung it there proudly!
