Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Burnham Bunch: Lots of Dots

Lots of Dots

Read: Lots of Dots by Craig Frazier (borrowed from the Woodbury Public Library) and Dog's Colorful Day by Emma Dodd

Flannel board: Dog's Colorful Day: A Messy Story about Colors and Counting (here)

Craft: Lots of Dots painting

Need: Circle foam paint brushes, paint: red, blue, green, orange and yellow, white paper.

  • Pretty simple .... I had the kiddos paint/stamp colorful dots.
  • The end!
We only had three kiddos at our Thursday class. But, that allowed us (me, Susan and two mommas) to make our own artwork. Nice and relaxing ..... ahhhhhh

Created by one of the moms. Don't you just LOVE it!?

Another Momma's artwork.


  1. so cool jean! This is the kind of project I Love. This one's going into my file for "some day"

  2. Hey Jean, Love this one too!!! love to see the differences in what they did with the dots on paper!
