Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Burnham Bunch: Fall

It's Fall Again!!

Read: Let It Fall by Maryann Cocca-Leffler and There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Leaves! by Lucille Colandro

Flannel board: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Leaves. Using the story to prompt the kiddos to place flannel pieces on our Old Lady's apron as the story progresses. I LOVE these books. I use them for almost every season/holiday. I have an Old Lady flannel figure and for each book, I change up the pieces. I simply copy the pages, color, laminate, and apply a Velcro-dot. I make as many pieces as needed for every child to have a turn. So, for this story I had to copy out and extra 2 leaf bushels and an extra 1 hay bushel.

Craft: Fall Tree
  • Need: Poster paint in brown, green, yellow and orange. Paper plates. Sturdy construction paper for background and brown for tree trunk. Sponges and/or foam stamper.
  • Prior to story, I cut a tree trunk shape out of the brown paper and glued it to the background paper.
  • Lay out the tree shape at each craft seat along with paper-plate of paint and sponges. I bought a few sponge and cut it into squares for the older children. For the little ones, I gave them foam stampers because they have little wooden handles which make it easier to hold.
  • Show the kiddos how stamp their sponges into the paint and then onto the paper. As you fill your paper, show them how you create different colors and shades as you layer one color on top of the other.
  • Really fun. Easy. And very little clean-up. The end....

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