Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Birds

February is National Bird-Feeding Month

Read: Wild Birds by Joanne Ryder and Will You Be My Friend by Nancy Tafuri

Flannel Board: Fly Away Birds! inspired by My Storytime Life

Two little dickey birds sitting on a cloud

one named soft

the other named loud!

fly away soft

fly away loud!

come back soft

come back loud!

Oh, and P.S. they LOVED singing this song. We sang it five times!!!!

Craft: Bird Feeder found via Pinterest posted by the blog Hodgepodge
  • Need: SunButter (If you haven't heard of SunButter -- it is a spread made with sunflower seeds. Perfect for those with nut allergies!), bird seed, toilet paper tubes, paper plates, paper cups, popsicle sticks, yarn and hole punch.
  • Prior to storytime, punch holes at the top of the tube and tie on the yarn. Secure to the inside of the tube with a small piece of tape (hopefully, this protects the yarn from getting all gooped-up with SunButter)
  • Set up each craft seat with a plate and tube, and a small cup of SunButter (i would use something disposable!!)
  • Instruct the kiddos to spread the SunButter all over the tube.
  • When they have completed that step. Pour the bird seed onto the plate. Have them roll it around the plate, until the whole tube is covered.
  • For travel purposes, place in a paper cup!!


  1. Hi Jean,
    Wonderful post! I found it when you mentioned SunButter. Since I blog for them, I'm always looking for new recipes and ideas. Glad Hodgepodgemom was helpful. She's wonderfully creative and inspires ME as a mom! As a fellow library hound with our kids and bookworm, I'm so looking forward to following your blog. Take care.

    1. Elizabeth,
      Thank you so much! We do have a good time around here ... I can't believe the talent of the bloggers that I follow. I am truly inspired by them.
      Regards, Jean

  2. Before the kids arrived did you have a spoonful of Sunbutter??? YUMMY! I LOVE Sunbutter. Great idea.
