Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Here a Chick ...

There a Chick ...

Read: Five Little Chicks by Nancy Tafuri and Chicks Run Wild by Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen

Flannel board: This Little Chick Inspired by Mel's Desk

This Little Chick
This little chick was gray
And this little chick was brown
This little chick was yellow
And THIS chick was upside down!

Mel's Desk said that you can mix-up and repeat -- just keep the brown chick second. I made some "extra" chicks: Pink, Red, Blue, Orange. I continued to mix-up the birds .... substituting pink for gray, red for orange and etc. You get the picture. But, always remember to keep the second chick brown.

Craft: Baby Chicks
  • Need: Yellow and orange construction paper, yellow feathers, and sticker-eyes.
  • Prior to storytime, I cut out all the pieces and assembled the yellow paper into a tube. To make the tube, I cut the yellow paper in half (the long way) and then trimmed a 4" piece (this will be used for the wings). I rolled the yellow paper to make a tube shape and secured with glue. I traced and cut a circle from the 4" piece and then cut that in half to make two wings. Then I cut a bunch of triangular orange beaks.
  • Have children glue on the wings and beak. Apply the sticker-eyes and glue the feather on the inside of the tube.
  • When they have completed the assembly of their chick. I stapled the top of the tube closed.


  1. So cue. I'll be stealing this idea too! A would love every thing about this!!

    1. You can steal whatever you would like. I "borrow" all the time :)
