Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Rabbits

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Read: Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes and 10 Hungry Rabbits: Counting and Color Concepts by Anita Lobel

Flannel board: 10 Hungry Rabbits - I used clip art for pictures of the food: cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, blueberries, peas and pepper. I also found a picture of a basket. As I read the story, I asked the children to put their food "into" the basket. 

Craft: Bunny Rabbit inspired by Queen of Swag
  • Need: White "party" cups, white and pink construction paper, sticker eyes and glue sticks. Oh, and cotton balls -- rabbit needs a tail!
  • Prior to storytime, have your ever-present faithful assistant cut out an array of rabbity pieces: white = ears and feet and pink = nose and inside of ears. I also drew little eye-lashes on with a Sharpie.
  • Have kiddos glue on their various pieces ... leaving the soft little tail for last.
  • Done!



  1. How can you stand it? Those kids are so cute!

    1. I know! And they are all so sweet and kind. Very lucky moms :)
