Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Frogs


This is the time of year when I am up to my ears with planning of summer programs. I am the type of person that really truly enjoys the planning. BUT, when the time comes for the actually event .... I am sick of it all! I am going cross-eyed from staring at the computer monitor all day and pinning ideas to my SRP 2012 board on Pinterest. Sometimes, I feel as if Pinterest is the bane of my existence. There are just too many fabulous ideas!!! So, all of this is leading up to the fact that I am recycling the same books and flannel board that I used for last year's frog theme. Let me be clear. I am not reusing the idea there is a BIG difference. (No there isn't. I am just trying to make myself feel better - bah! What a slacker!).

Read: Jump! by Scott M. Fischer and A Frog in the Bog by Karma Wilson

Flannel Board: A Frog in the Bog

Craft: Frogs (of course)

I haven't posted anything from my fav blog, No Time For Flashcards, in a long while. This idea is super-easy and cute. Perfect for my wasted brain. I altered it a bit ... instead of tree frogs, they will make swamp frogs.
  • Need: Paper plates, green paint, paint dabbers, white, black and red construction paper, a clip-art fly and glue sticks.
  • Prior to storytime, I cut the paper plates in half. I found a clip-art fly from another craft, so I printed out a bunch and cut those out as well as white & black circles for the eyes, and a red strip for the tongue.

  • I had the kiddos glue their eye circles together -- then glue to the back of the plate.
  • Then, using the paint dabber, I asked them to flip the plate over and paint the plate green.
  • Last step is to attach the tongue and fly.
  • Ribbit!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

RIF - Reading is Fundamental

This morning I was reading my online journals and came across an article about RIF's Book People Unite. For some of us of a certain age, I am sure you can remember the commercials of our youth. I so so so wanted a truck filled with books to pull into my neighborhood. Of course, I grew up in Fairfield, CT, which is not generally known to be a "underserved community." So, I was pretty much out of luck (or VERY lucky depending on how you look at it!)

RIF - Book People Unite's is asking book lovers to make a pledge to "declare your belief in transformative power of books." A powerful concept. Check out the new PSA with song by Jack Black. So, fun ..... and a great message too! So, why not make the pledge!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bunch Bunch: Kangaroos

Bounce and Boing!

Read: Peek-a-boo Sue by Dick Punnett and Pouch! by David Ezra Stein


I found this great idea on Pinterest from Katie (aka The Storytime Lady) at Recipe for Reading. She was inspired to create a flannel board activity for the book Boing by Nick Bruel. I loved the idea! Thanks for the inspiration, Katie! Here is my version.

Craft: Kangroo Snack Cups

First day back from my "stay-cation" and I am scrambling for a craft for storytime tomorrow. It is a short four-hour day. I am trying to unload boxes, follow-up on emails and clear-off whatever was left on my desk during my short time away. I frantically searched Pinterest and the interwebz for a cute Kangaroo craft. Many are booooooring. But, I did find a nice spin at Tippytoe Crafts. Really cute! I will most likely be cutting a million bits of craft pieces while watching television this evening (big New Girl fan!).

Seriously, what would I do with out all the wonderful inspiration out there! Thanks all!

What you need:
  • White paper, crayons, small Dixie-cups (in a cute design if you can find some), glue sticks, sticker eyes and craft/popsicle sticks. Optional: snack for the snack cups -- really it shouldn't be an option since it is implied by the name! tee-hee.
  • Prior to story, I hot glued popsicle sticks to the inside of the cup. Cut out leg, head and arm pieces.
  • Have children color their Kangaroo pieces. (whatever colors they want)
  • Apply sticker eyes.
  • Glue pieces to the back of cup and popsicle stick.
  • Insert snack .... Boing!

Our visitor Parker the Bear!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break!

Spring Break ... not what it used to be!

This year our school region is on Spring Break the second week of April. I don't usually take a "full" week of vacation (full meaning 3 days). But this year, I simply need it.

So, I have taken this opportunity to take a bit of a breather. What will I be doing on my break? Mexico? Ft. Lauderdale? Backpacking through Europe? Nope. I will be home in good ol' Woodbury.

My big plans? Most likely, working from home (because summer reading is just around the corner and there is just too much to be done!!). And probably a bit of  reading, cleaning, organizing, and coffee drinking. My BIG day out, may include a trip to the mall! (don't be jealous).

But, the whole time this will be running through my head ....

I'm in love ....

New books for April

Here are some of my new loves for April.

April is Poetry Month ... and this book would be PERFECT!

I was a Girl Scout and still have my sash!

Author of another fave Little Lost Owl

I actually snort-laughed when I read this for the first time. Super-cute!

Perfect for storytime

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Burnham Bunch: Rabbits

Here comes Peter Cottontail

Read: Little White Rabbit by Kevin Henkes and 10 Hungry Rabbits: Counting and Color Concepts by Anita Lobel

Flannel board: 10 Hungry Rabbits - I used clip art for pictures of the food: cabbage, onions, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, blueberries, peas and pepper. I also found a picture of a basket. As I read the story, I asked the children to put their food "into" the basket. 

Craft: Bunny Rabbit inspired by Queen of Swag
  • Need: White "party" cups, white and pink construction paper, sticker eyes and glue sticks. Oh, and cotton balls -- rabbit needs a tail!
  • Prior to storytime, have your ever-present faithful assistant cut out an array of rabbity pieces: white = ears and feet and pink = nose and inside of ears. I also drew little eye-lashes on with a Sharpie.
  • Have kiddos glue on their various pieces ... leaving the soft little tail for last.
  • Done!