Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spring Break!

Spring Break ... not what it used to be!

This year our school region is on Spring Break the second week of April. I don't usually take a "full" week of vacation (full meaning 3 days). But this year, I simply need it.

So, I have taken this opportunity to take a bit of a breather. What will I be doing on my break? Mexico? Ft. Lauderdale? Backpacking through Europe? Nope. I will be home in good ol' Woodbury.

My big plans? Most likely, working from home (because summer reading is just around the corner and there is just too much to be done!!). And probably a bit of  reading, cleaning, organizing, and coffee drinking. My BIG day out, may include a trip to the mall! (don't be jealous).

But, the whole time this will be running through my head ....


  1. You're crazy. And how come that vacation doesn't include me even for an afternoon coffee??????????????

  2. I know! I am the worst friend! I didn't want to make any plans. I just wanted to go with the flow. Two days is too short! Bah!
