Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Burnham Bunch: Birds

Come fly with me!

Read: Birds by Kevin Henke and No Two Alike by Keith Baker

Flannel board: Two Little Birds reused again because it was so popular inspired by My Storytime Life

Craft: Cheerio bird feeders

Need: Pipe cleaners and cheerios. Yup, just two things!
  • So, easy ... just have the kiddos thread Cheerios onto a pipe cleaner. I let the kids decide how many they wanted to make. When they were tired of it all, I closed up the ends to make a circle. If they made several of the circles, I threaded them together.
  • THE END!


  1. Super cute activity and perfect for hanging on any branch within their reach. Did any of them eat the cheerios??? I would have. HAHAHA

  2. They loved threading the Cheerios ... and of course, eating the surplus. I gave each a clean paper plate and a PILE of Cheerios. I even had a few myself :)
